As the year draws to a close, people often start taking stock of their finances. Making a plan for getting your finances in shape is a great way to start off the new year. Smart money management requires more than just paying bills on time and clipping coupons to save.
To make a real long-term difference, start with small, actionable changes. Whether you want to save more for retirement or reduce your debt, these 30 quick tips can help you get your finances in shape.
List Your Debt
You can't start making financial changes if you don't know how much debt you have. Knowing how much you owe and how long you have to make payments will help you make a plan for paying off all the debts. To start, take a look at all your bills and outgoing expenses. Jot down any unpaid balances. Be sure to include all your credit cards, student loans, mortgage payments and auto loan payments.
Photo Courtesy: congerdesign/Pixabay
Once you have all your debts listed, make a plan for paying anything that is past due (if applicable). Once any past-due debts are paid, take a look at the debts with the lowest balances.
Set Your Goals
Goals are important to your financial success. If you're feeling overwhelmed, don't worry about setting too many big goals. Start with small actionable items you can accomplish easily. Even if a goal seems too small to list, it isn't. Accomplishing 10 small goals will feel a lot better than having two large ones sit unchecked on your list.
Photo Courtesy: TeroVesalainen/Pixabay
Financial goals can be anything from packing your lunch for work four days a week to setting aside money for a down payment. Think about your small goals as stepping stones to your bigger ones. The more days you take your lunch, the more you're saving for your down payment.
Conduct a Year in Review
To see where you can improve, take stock of the year you just had. Go through your bank statements to see what you spent your money on and how much you saved. Doing a yearly review can help you see how you're already doing. If there's room for improvement, you can use those details to set your goals.
Photo Courtesy: Timisu/Pixabay
A lot of calculators are available online — maybe even through your own bank — to help you total up your spending for the year. Some apps and systems can also categorize your spending. You can see how much you spent on dining and entertainment compared to groceries, for example. The numbers can be pretty shocking at times.
Automate Savings
Saving can seem like an overwhelming process at times. Although saving money may seem hard, it doesn't have to be. Without even looking at your expenses and your budget, you can probably automate some small saving amount right now. Start with $25 a month. Simply go into your bank account and set up an automatic transfer of $25 from your checking to your savings account on a specific date each month.
Photo Courtesy: Timisu/Pixabay
Once you lay out your goals and take stock of your debts and expenses, you can go back and adjust that number, if necessary. If possible, bump up your automatic savings amount to $50 or $100 a month. The key is to make the process automatic, so you won't even miss the money.
Keep Track of Your Spending
Keeping track of your spending is probably the most important thing you can do. If you're just spending your money without any transparency, you're probably not saving and investing as much as you could. You may also be paying for things you don't even realize you're paying for — subscriptions you no longer use, for example.
Photo Courtesy: Stevepb/Pixabay
Tracking your spending doesn't have to take a huge spreadsheet. Various apps and automated systems can help you do this for free. Make it as easy as possible so you won't put off doing it. Tracking spending helps hold you accountable, and it helps you easily see where you can cut back on spending.
Pay Down as Much Credit Card Debt as Possible
Having a lot of credit card debt is a problem for several reasons. Not only does it lower your credit score, but it will also cost you a lot of money. When you have credit cards that are almost at their limits, lenders see it as a problem. To them, it's a clear sign that you're overspending, which doesn't make you look like a trustworthy candidate for a loan (should you need it).
Photo Courtesy: jarmoluk/Pixabay
The other problem with high balances on your credit cards is that the interest charges will cost you a ton of money over time. Before you put money anywhere else, focus on paying off your credit cards.
Use Alerts
Technology can be your best financial assistant. Tons of apps as well as features offered by your own bank allow you to set alerts for any number of things. Let's say you set an alert to notify you every time you or your spouse spends more than $100. Now, when your spouse spends $200 on a new jacket, you are notified, which helps you track your spending and stay accountable for your spending choices.
Photo Courtesy: JESSHOOTS-com/Pixabay
You can also set alerts to remind you that you need to pay a bill or cancel a subscription service. This helps you stay on top of payment due dates and avoid expensive late fees.
Take a Day Where You Spend No Money
Although it may seem impossible, occasionally try to avoid spending money for a full day. Chances are good that once you do it, you'll want to do it again. You may even decide to make a monthly or weekly habit of it.
Photo Courtesy: tookapic/Pixabay
Not spending any money feels liberating. Your finances will be under your control for the day. To set yourself up for success, make sure you have groceries and plan to spend the day at home. Take the day to go for a run, walk your dog or binge-watch your favorite shows. Eat at home and invite friends over if you're feeling stir crazy. In fact, you probably have some friends who need to save some money as well.
Meal Prep
Meal prepping is all the rage right now. Although it may seem overwhelming to cook an entire week's worth of food on a Sunday, it doesn't have to be. Focus on quick, healthy meals that are easy to make and prepare on the fly. Choose a few main items that can be used for several meals. Be sure to come up with different preparations and recipes so you don't get burned out and order a pizza.
Photo Courtesy: JESSHOOTS-com/Pixabay
The point of meal prepping isn't to have a five-star meal every night. It's to have quick meals ready to go in a short amount of time at home so you aren't tempted to eat out, which is both expensive and unhealthy.
Kick Up Your Retirement Savings
If you haven't looked at your retirement savings in a while, it's probably a good time to take a peek. Every year, you should be looking at your accounts to see how much you've contributed. If you're like most Americans, you probably aren't saving enough for retirement.
Photo Courtesy: qimono/Pixabay
If possible, go into your retirement account and kick up the percentage of your contribution. It's always best to choose the maximum percentage if you can afford it. If your employer matches your contribution, this is especially important. An employee match is free money. The best part is this whole process can usually be done on your phone or online in less than five minutes.
Make a Tax Folder
Making a tax folder is one of those underrated organization habits, but you'll be grateful you did it when tax time rolls around. To start, make a folder on your desktop or on a secure cloud server so it doesn't get lost if you switch computers. Next, start saving all your important tax documents in this folder.
Photo Courtesy: stevepb/Pixabay
Tax documents include obvious items like your W2s and 1099s, but you may overlook additional documents like those relating to charity contributions. If you ran a 5K in the summer and donated $100, you probably got a receipt from the organization. As soon as you get these types of items, save them in a hard copy version of your tax folder.
Use Cash to Budget
If you're having a hard time setting a budget and sticking to it, stop using your credit cards. Instead, take cash out of your bank account and designate it for certain things. Let's say you only want to spend $100 at the grocery store. Take $100 out in cash and leave your cards at home when you go to the store. If you pay using a card — even a debit card — it's far too easy to ignore your budget and pay more than the $100.
Photo Courtesy: nosheep/Pixabay
You can use envelopes to designate cash for most expenses. You can take cash to pay for dinner out, shopping trips and lunch money. If you really want to make sure you can't overspend, leave your credit card or debit card at home.
Use A Hidden Bank Account
Having a checking and savings account at one bank is convenient, but it may be too tempting to spend your savings or transfer money. In addition to your main account, it's a good idea to open a savings account at another bank. You will have to manually deposit money into your account, but you'll be less likely to touch it after that.
Photo Courtesy: philm1310/Pixabay
Make sure you don't get a debit card or checks for the account, of course. If it comes with starter checks, store them somewhere safe and out of sight. Set a monthly reminder to put a certain amount of money in your savings account. Once a year, take a look to see how much the balance has grown.
Cancel Subscriptions
Chances are you're paying for at least one monthly subscription you aren't using. Go through your expenses and take stock of everything. From music streaming to video services you don't watch, write them down and start canceling.
Photo Courtesy: rawpixel/Pixabay
If you're paying for three online music services at $10 each, canceling two of them frees up $20 a month. That's $240 a year you could be saving or investing. This also applies to gym memberships and group fitness classes. If you pay for a gym with free classes, stop paying for the separate yoga class every month and go to the free class at the gym.
Update Your Beneficiary Information
Updating your beneficiaries is one of those boring adult tasks that often gets forgotten. The end of the year is a great time to update this information. Let's say you've gotten married or had a child. You'll want to include your spouse or your children as beneficiaries.
Photo Courtesy: smpratt90/Pixabay
Beneficiaries are often on multiple accounts, so make a list of everything you should update. Remember to log in to your 401(k) and your investment accounts, in addition to your mortgage and bank accounts. If you don't have a will, make this the year you prepare one. You can seek legal assistance or start the process yourself online.
Know Your Credit Score
Knowing your credit score is crucial to your financial health. If you have a low score, you can expect to pay higher interest on things like cars and mortgages. You may also have to make higher security deposits on apartments or could even be denied credit.
Photo Courtesy: rawpixel/Pixabay
It's a good idea to download a copy of your credit report at least once a year. You can do this free online or by contacting the three bureaus directly. Your bank or credit card company may also let you access this information for free. Reviewing your report also lets you see if you have any errors on your report that need correcting.
Make a Plan to Fix Your Credit Score
Once you download a copy of your credit report and see your credit score, it's time to get to work on boosting your score. The fastest way to boost your credit score is to pay off as much debt as possible. Your score is higher when you aren't using all your available credit.
Photo Courtesy: StartupStockPhotos/Pixabay
Moving forward, vow to make all your payments on time. If you think you might miss a payment, call and make arrangements to pay a portion, if possible. Late or missed payments kill your credit score. If you see anything you need to dispute, make those calls sooner rather than later.
Use Banking Apps
Your bank probably has an app you can download if you haven't already. Take advantage of mobile banking whenever you can. Mobile banking apps can be used for depositing checks, making payments and checking your balance. You can even set an alert to remind yourself to transfer money and then do the transfer right from your phone.
Photo Courtesy: JESSHOOTS-com/Pixabay
Some great apps out there also track your spending and help with budgeting. There's just something about logging your spending that makes you pay closer attention to it. When you see you spent $30 at a coffee shop last week, you may think twice before doing it again.
Assess Your Income
If you've been at your job a while, it may be time to take stock of your salary or your hourly wage. If you haven't had a performance review in a while, ask to meet with your manager to discuss your performance. If you've been working hard and doing a great job, make a case for a raise or a bonus.
Photo Courtesy: Free-Photos/Pixabay
If you don't think you can earn more money at your current job, do a yearly pulse check to see if it's time for a change. You could also look at side hustles or second jobs to boost your income. Earning more money is the fastest way to achieve a big financial goal.
Know Your Net Worth
Once a year, it's a good idea to check in on your investments and liquid assets. Knowing your net worth can help you know where you stand when it comes to retirement and emergencies. To find your net worth, start by assessing the value of your home if you own one, minus any amount you owe on a mortgage. Your home is likely your biggest asset.
Photo Courtesy: Austin Distel/Unsplash
Next, download your latest investment statements. Look at your retirement accounts, IRA account, stock account and any other accounts you may have. Finally, jot down all your savings account balances. When you add up the value of all these items, you get your total net worth.
Utilize Auto Pay
Auto pay is the easiest way to make sure you don't miss a payment, and most creditors offer it. With auto pay, your bills are automatically paid online through your creditor. If your creditor doesn't offer this service, you may be able to auto pay using your own bank. When you use your bank to pay a bill, the bank pays electronically using your account number or pays using a paper check (rare).
Photo Courtesy: firmbee/Pixabay
Remember that missing a payment is one of the most common ways to damage your credit score. Auto pay is an easy way to prevent this from happening. Another nice perk of auto pay is that you can easily look back at how much you've spent.
Delete Coupons and Marketing Emails
Marketing emails and coupons are all a trap to get you to spend money. If you never get a coupon in your inbox, it's like the sale or coupon never existed. With sales, it's best to keep an "out of sight, out of mind" approach. Take a few minutes to unsubscribe from some of the marketing emails you get every day.
Photo Courtesy: Rawpixel/Pixabay
Even though you think you're saving money by using a coupon, you'll save even more if you don't buy anything at all. Most retailers make it really easy to find coupons and sales these days. If you end up really needing something later, you can always look for an online coupon when you need one.
Buy Holiday Gifts All Year Round
Holiday shopping doesn't have to start in November and kill your budget. You can slowly start holiday shopping at any time of year. When you see something selling at a deep discount, grab it and save it for a holiday gift. If something is out of season or goes on sale for another holiday, you might be able to score an unconventional gift at a discount.
Photo Courtesy: Andrew Neel/Unsplash
Estate sales, garage sales and online marketplaces are also great ways to score deals for the holidays. Even if most of these sales take place in the summer months, you can stock up during garage sale season and save your purchases until the holidays.
Pay Ahead
If you're ever offered a discount to pay for a whole year of something at once, do it. It may seem like a big chunk of money at the time, but when you pay over time, you either pay much more or you pay interest. If you're not financially able to pay all at once, think twice about doing it in the first place.
Photo Courtesy: bruce mars/Unsplash
Some gyms, for example, offer a discount if you pay for your membership annually or quarterly. Other examples include email or cloud services and music and television subscriptions. Other companies may offer you zero interest for a short time period. If you take advantage of this, be sure to pay before the interest is due.
Round Up Purchases to Pay Student Loans
Some online services and even banks allow you to round up your change. Let's say you make a purchase for $1.51. The remaining $0.49 after rounding up to $2 could go toward your student loans. You can sign up for these services using your student loan provider, bank or online companies that specialize in this.
Photo Courtesy: Jasmine Coro/Unsplash
Some companies will allow you to sync your purchases and round everything up to the nearest dollar. All your extra virtual change then goes toward paying off your student loans. Even if it only adds up to a couple of dollars a day, it still adds up pretty quickly over the course of a month or a year.
Sell Stuff You Don't Need
Everyone has stuff they don't need. Go through your closets once or twice a year and pull out any items you don't need that you think you could sell. You may even have items that still have price tags on them because you forgot you bought them — or failed to return them. Instead of just letting the items gather dust, take them to a resale shop.
Photo Courtesy: webandi/Pixabay
There are also tons of online resale marketplaces out there. Take quick photos of your items, type up short descriptions that include the condition and set your price. In just a few minutes, you can post all your items for sale online.
Stop Buying Coffee
Buying coffee is one of those daily rituals that you may not consider an expense. Coffee shop coffee is a very real expense, and buying it every day is a luxury. If you spend $5 a day on coffee, seven days a week, that adds up to $35 a week or a whopping $1,820 a year. Think about what you could do with $1,820 a year.
Photo Courtesy: Ohmky/Unsplash
Instead of buying coffee, make your own coffee at home. Because you're saving money by not buying coffee out, you could even splurge on a nicer coffee maker or artisan beans. Treat yourself to a nice mug, and your daily coffee will still feel like a nice treat.
Pack Your Own Lunch
Brown bagging your lunch is not only great for your health, but it's also great for your wallet. Even if you buy a salad in a bag kit from your grocery store for $2, that's still a lot cheaper than buying a salad out every day.
Photo Courtesy: jyleen21/Pixabay
When you meal prep for the week, include lunches as well. One meal can serve as dinner one day and lunch the next. Spending $8 a day on lunch, five days a week adds up to $2,080 a year. That $2,080 does a lot more good in your retirement account or emergency fund than in your stomach.
Wait 24 Hours Before Checking Out Online
The ease of shopping online has made it almost impossible to not overspend. With just a click of a button, you can have whatever you desire on your doorstep within days, sometimes even hours. From the comfort of your couch, you can buy a new outfit for Friday night and have it delivered the next day.
Photo Courtesy: JESHOOTS-com/Pixabay
Instead of just buying whatever you want whenever you want it, place a mental 24-hour hold on your items. Put them in your online cart, and if you still think you need them after 24-hours, then go ahead and make the purchase. Chances are good that after sleeping on it, you will realize you don't need all — maybe not any — of the items.
Plan Your Budget for the New Year
Once you've successfully mapped out your goals and to-do items, it's time to set some budgets for the new year. Stick to realistic budgets you can actually maintain. If you're currently spending $500 a month on groceries for a family of six, it's probably not reasonable to think you can cut that bill down to $100.
Photo Courtesy: Priscilla Du Preez/Unsplash
Remember to set budgets for several different areas as well. You can make a budget for groceries, entertainment, shopping and anything else that isn't a fixed cost. Fixed costs typically include your housing payment, your student loans and things like your cell phone bill. You can also set budgets for big-ticket items like new vehicles and vacations.
Learning Objectives: By the end of this topic you should be able to: • Synoptic: describe the functions of an operating system • identify the major characteristics of different types of operating systems
What is an Operating System? • "A program or suite of programs that controls the entire operation of the computer" - BCS definition • the software responsible for allocating and managing system resources • memory, processor time, disk space • examples include: • Windows (Microsoft), • iOS (Apple) • Android (Google) • Linux (open source)
Why do we need an Operating System? • Computer system = Hardware + Software • application programs (software) communicate with system hardware via the operating system • so programmers can write software to run on an OS • not every type of hardware • different types of computer system will require different operating system features: • networked & single user PC • mobile 'phone, tablet computer, games console, • sat nav, TV, digital camera • …….
Functions of an Operating System • controlling computer hardware, • CPU, RAM, printers, disk drives, keyboard, mouse, touchscreen…. • organising files on storage media, • hard drive, CDROM, memory cards, memory sticks …. • providing the user interface • receiving commands from the system operator • e.g. to copy or delete files • security: detecting and preventing unauthorised use, • managing hardware errors • protecting data files and programs from corruption, • reporting and logging hardware and software usage & errors
Types of Operating System • SingleUser • Multi-user • Multi-tasking • Interactive • Real Time • Batch Processing • Distributed Systems
Single User • standard OS for a standalone computer systems • only one person can use the computer system at any one time • can support multiple accounts but only one used at a time • processing power of CPU dedicated to the user • so multi-tasking can be performed • i.e. running more than one program for that user at the same time
Multi User • more than one user accessing the system at the same time • most commonly: network operating system • server computer connected to a number of terminals • client-server LAN, ATM, ticket booking • O/S allocates a time slice to each user • switches from user to user • the larger the number of users the slower the system works • can run several programs simultaneously
Multi-Tasking • CPU carries out more than one task at the same time • several programs can be loaded and running at the same time • e.g. using a word processor whilst browsing the Internet • processor switches between tasks • completes part of one task then switches to do part of another task • this process happens very fast • appears that tasks are running concurrently • true multi-tasking requires more than one processor • many currentCPUs have multiple processing cores
Interactive • direct user interaction whilst a program is running • accepts and responds to input from user • "question and answer" between user and computer • computer gives the user an immediate response
Interactive Processing: Examples: • Booking concert tickets • Ordering books online • Handling bank accounts • Booking a holiday: • fill in a web form, • submit it • site informs you of the room you have booked.
Real Time • must respond to events with no discernible delay • responds immediately to the data entered • used where response time by the system is critical • where delays in processing would prove unacceptable • used for control systems • traffic lights, air traffic control, aircraft navigation • used for embedded systems • systems within another application, • e.g. cars and mobile phones
Real Time Examples: • Traffic lights • Heart rate monitoring • Aircraft control • Computer games • Controlling robots
Batch Processing: • data can be collected over a period of time • when all data collected it is processed at the same time • as a 'batch' • data is processed at an off-peak period • when there is less demand on the processor • less disruption to the daily work schedule • system & peripherals available when most needed • does not need staff intervention • suitable for situations where there is a lot of similar data to be processed & the processing can wait: • cheque processing in a bank, gas bill printing, payroll processing • not suitable where the data must be processed instantly • data is not up to date until processing completed
Distributed Systems • complex task split into a number of smaller, similar tasks • a series of computers connected together via network • computers can be in different physical locations • each computer performs part of the processing • results from individual machines are combined to achieve the overall task • Examples: • film animation & CGI via "render farms" • modelling real world scenarios – scientific, environmental, financial ……. • analysis of large datasets • List:
PlayStation Supercomputer • 1,760 PS3 gaming consoles • among the 40 fastest computers in the world • 205TB of RAM memory, • 53 teraflops of peak performance • core i5 processor = 100 gigaflops • 1 teraflop = 1 million, million calculations per second (1012)
Look: It's cold. The news is depressing. New movies and TV shows have ground to a halt. It won't stop snowing. Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow, so tack on six more weeks of winter.
Time to curl up with a good book.
And luckily there has never—and I mean never—been a better time to score free e-books. From library books to old classics, audiobooks to new releases, there's a virtually endless selection out there. Here are the best places to find it.
Borrow virtually from your neighborhood library
If you have a library card, you're in prime position to borrow digitally available books right from your own home.
Many libraries use the OverDrive platform to lend out e-books and audiobooks, so check your local library's website to see if it's lending directly or just head to, create an account with your library card number, and see what's available.
(If you don't have a library card, get one—there's a good chance that your local library will issue you a virtual card through an online sign-up process.)
Hint: As you're perusing a certain OverDrive category, say Technology, use the Filter section in the right-hand sidebar and under "Saved Libraries" click your local library to show only titles that are actually available to you. Otherwise, you could spend a lot of time browsing for titles you're not able to get. It's not a free-for-all in: your library must digitally stock the book as a subset of OverDrive's 2 million-plus catalog.
Once you've found a book and borrowed it, you'll be presented with a list of options about where to read it. Some titles can be sent right to your Kindle, read right in your browser, or downloaded.
OverDrive also has a great mobile app called Libby that streamlines the process somewhat and lets you read books and listen to audiobooks right on your phone, so check that out if you're going to be doing the majority of your consumption from your phone.
Read classic books—no library card required
No library card? Don't want to set up an account? No problem. Project Gutenberg has you covered.
It's a great spot with a collection of around 65,000 classic books in a variety of formats, and though the interface is a bit clunky, it's still about as quick as it gets when it comes to jumping into an old favorite.
You can download books in Kindle format, but you'll then need to get them onto your Kindle reader somehow. The easiest way is to send them to your Kindle as an email attachment.
Yes, your Kindle has an email address. You can find it in your Amazon account here. You can send all sorts of stuff to your Kindle.
A little bit of both
Looking for a collection of free-to-read classics and borrowable books? Check out Open Library, from the same folks that bring you the Internet Archive.
You can jump right into classic books with a click—no account necessary—or create an account to borrow more recent titles.
There are lots to choose from here: the site aims "to make all the published works of humankind available to everyone in the world"—everything from regular books to textbooks to medical guides and plenty more. Best of all, Open Library has partnered with the aforementioned OverDrive service to make some 70,000 titles available for borrowing without requiring a library card.
Like Project Gutenberg, the Open Library site is a bit clunky to navigate, but there's a fun, optional bookshelf-inspired interface that lets you browse books by category as though you were at your library or bookstore. That way, you can literally judge a book by its cover.
Other sources
Depending on your various retail alignments, you may have access to a rotating selection of free e-books. If you're an Amazon Prime customer, the Amazon First Reads program grants you access to one free Kindle book every month from a small handful of titles. Now, this is "free" in the sense that it's a perk for shelling out $119 per year for Prime, so if you're already a member, great. No need to join Prime just for First Reads, though.
Users of Barnes and Noble's free Nook app enjoy a hundreds-large catalog of no-cost e-books spanning various subjects. Similar story if you're a Kobo user.
And BookBub is an interesting service that matches your reading interests with deals on best-sellers and sends you free e-books daily.
Finally, check your device's app store: Google Play has a freebie section, as does Apple Books under the "More to Explore" section.
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